Salon Policies

Please toilet your dog before the appointment, otherwise there may be an additional cleaning fee.

Please reschedule your dogs appointment if they are unwell such as diarrhoea or vomiting.

Pawsome Pet Grooming Policies

  • Your pet is very important to me at Pawsome Pet Grooming. I would like to assure you that every effort will be made to make sure your pets grooming experience is as safe and as pleasant as possible.
  • Safety comes first for everyone during the grooming process, your pets and myself. All pets must be wearing a harness or collar, with a lead for collection.
  • In the event that the owner is not at the property at the time of the grooming service (beginning or end), it is the owners responsibility to arrange a safe place for me to pick up/leave the pet.
  • Your satisfaction if very important to me. If you are unhappy for any reason and would like some adjustments, Pawsome Pet Grooming will be happy to do this at the end of the appointment at time of drop off. Once, however, I leave your home for my next appointment, any return visits will be treated as a new appointment and owner may be charged a grooming fee to be determined by the extent of the adjustment.

Health or Medical issues

  • Occasionally grooming can expose a hidden medical condition or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. All medical expenses for veterinary care, due to these problems, will be covered by the pets owners upon reading and understanding this form and its policies.
  • It is the owners responsibility to notify Pawsome Pet Grooming of any and all medical conditions and any behaviour issues prior to booking. As grooming can be stressful for some pets it is important to disclose any heart problems or stress related issues prior to grooming.
  • Muzzling does not harm your pet and protects both the pet and the groomer. In some cases, muzzling can even calm a stressed pet, allowing the grooming process to continue. Pawsome does not muzzle unless your pet gives me a reason to. Other methods are used to calm your pet and muzzling is a last resort. Aggressive dogs may require the use of a muzzle, if so, a handling fee may apply. If your pet is still behaving aggressively or becomes too dangerous, Pawsome Pet Grooming has the right to refuse grooming services, stop grooming services or cancel grooming services at any time before, during or after grooming and the client will be charged a grooming fee (for what was done up until that point).
  • Pawsome Pet Grooming encourages pets to be up to date with vaccinations prior to booking. Any new puppy clients being groomed must be up to date on all vaccinations. (For puppies, grooming can begin two weeks after the second vaccination).

Allergic Reactions

Pawsome Pet Grooming takes great care in selecting the best products for your pets skin and coat condition, however reactions can still occur. If your pet has a reaction to a grooming product, please make us aware of it within 24 hours from the grooming service. All medical expenses for Veterinary care, due to the reaction, will be covered by the animals owner upon reading this form and its policies.


Although accidents are rare, there is always a risk when working with pets. Grooming equipment is sharp and although we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quickening of nails etc. In most cases this can happen when a pet is wriggling or moving around. Your pets safety and comfort is our number one priority. In the event an accident does occur, all attempts will be made to notify the owner of the accident. If Pawsome Pet Grooming feels it is serious and the owner is not on-site, Pawsome will seek immediate Veterinary care for your pet.

Veterinary Authorisation – Medical Emergencies

This release gives Pawsome Pet Grooming full authorisation to seek medical treatment from the nearest Veterinarian in the case of any medical emergencies while in the care of Pawsome Pet Grooming. All veterinary costs and expenses will be the responsibility of the pet’s owner.

Interruptions During Grooming Services

  • For the safety of the pet being groomed, as well as the professional pet groomer, it is asked that you do not interrupt the groomer during grooming. If you come out to check on your pet, or come outside and wait for the groom to finish, please DO NOT talk to your pet or allow him/her to see you. Please stay away from the mobile unit until the groom is completed or text me.
  • Every effort will be made to insure your pet is groomed as safely as possible but an excited pet can be dangerous to continue to work on. If you insist on talking to your pet or the groomer, we reserve the right to end the grooming process, even if the grooming is not completed and the full grooming price will be charged.

Parasites – Fleas/Ticks/Lice

  • Pawsome Pet Grooming strives to be a parasite-free mobile van. If your pet has any parasites, we recommend that you take them to a Veterinarian or be up to date with any flea/worm treatments prior to being groomed.
  • In the event that your pets coat contains fleas at any stage of the groom, Pawsome Pet Grooming will immediately dispense an oral flea treatment (Capstar) which is completely safe for your pet. Your pet will also be bathed in a flea shampoo.
  • It is the owners responsibility to ensure your pet is free from fleas and lice. Bringing a flea or lice infestation into the mobile van risks contamination which will need fumigating to prevent further contamination to other dogs whose appointments follow.
  • There will be an additional charge for treatment and fumigation of the van and equipment used, dependant on the severity of the infestation.

Matted Coats

  • Pets with matted coats require extra attention.
  • Mats in a pets coat grow tight and can ultimately damage and tear the pets skin which provides a breeding ground for parasite infestations such as fleas, ticks and maggots.
  • Matted fur does not allow for air circulation to the skin, trapping moisture and urine which can also cause hot spots, mould, bacterial and fungal infections.
  • All of these can produce skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process.
  • Mats can be very difficult to remove and though every attempt will be made to perform a de-matting procedure, if it is too painful for the pet, the groom may require the pet to be shaved. Pawsome Pet Grooming will not cause serious or undue stress to your pet. • Removing a heavily matted coat can cause clipper burn, nicks, cuts or abrasions due to skin growths trapped in the mats. All attempts will be made to prevent this but in many extreme cases it is unavoidable.
  • If your pet needs to be shaved to remove matting, by reading this and booking your appointment, you acknowledge that you agree to this procedure and any risk. There will be an additional charge for this process: it is time consuming and causes extra wear and tear on grooming equipment.
  • If the coat is knotty and will take time to brush out, there will be a de-knotting fee which will be calculated by price per minute.


This release authorises Pawsome Pet Grooming to take photos of your pet for client profile and for company website, Facebook and Instagram pages. All photos taken are the property of Pawsome Pet Grooming. The owner is welcome to have a copy of these photos on request but it is not always possible to take photos.

Time Policy

Pawsome Pet Grooming reserves the right to take the required time needed to groom each pet on a realistic time schedule and will arrange an appropriate drop off time with the owner individually on a case to case basis at time of pick up, when I can see and feel the pets coat condition.